
Clojure on GNU/Linux #

Instructions for Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm) 6.1.0-13-amd64.

At a high level, perform the following steps:

  1. Install build tools and prerequisites
  2. Install the ASDF language manager tool
  3. Install Java and Clojure using ASDF

Install Prerequisites #

Using the builtin apt package manager, install dependencies:

apt-get install emacs vim git inotify-tools curl gpg gawk m4 \
                build-essential software-properties-common rlwrap \
                autoconf gpg apt-transport-https

Install ASDF #

Install the ASDF software version manager:

# Install ASDF
git clone ~/.asdf --branch v0.13.1

# To ~/.bash_profile add:
. "$HOME/.asdf/"
. "$HOME/.asdf/completions/asdf.bash"

Close and reopen your terminal.

Use ASDF to Install Clojure #

Install Java and Clojure:

# Java
asdf plugin-add java

asdf install java adoptopenjdk-17.0.9+9
asdf global java adoptopenjdk-17.0.9+9

# Clojure
asdf plugin add clojure

asdf install clojure
asdf global clojure

Add the following line to ~/.bash_profile

. "~/.asdf/plugins/java/set-java-home.bash"

Close and reopen your terminal.

Verify that everything installed correctly:

java -version
clj -version

Install VS Code #

If you’d like to use VS Code as your editor, follow these steps to install it, or run these commands:

wget -O code.deb
sudo dpkg -i code.deb
sudo apt-get install -f

Install the following extensions:

  1. Calva

…that’s it. You’re now ready to program in Clojure!